Data Management Plan

11676/sTOXa7OwswGiAY5_GPb2RJ22 (link)

The PAUL project aims to create Urban Greenhous Gas Observatories to provide high quality and high-resolution temporal and spatial measurements. Measurements and observations are combined with existing data from the cities like emission inventories and 3D representation of the cities. This will provide the basis to run models, like inversion models, large eddy simulations, or Lagrangian stochastic models. In addition, PAUL has a co-design approach to integrate the needs of the cities and citizens. For this reason, we will conduct surveys and interviews, amounting to a collection of unstructured data. Data gathered from people are anonymized and ethical guidelines are followed under the supervision of the European Social Survey Research Infrastructure. Regarding data used and produced within the project, we can divide them in four categories:

  • Measurements which in includes greenhouse gas concentrations, meteorological parameters like wind speed & direction, humidity, air pressure, boundary layer height, etc., and ecological data like soil water content, soil temperature, sap flow, etc.
  • Reuse of existing data sets like emission inventories, spatial representations of people density, tree locations, traffic density, etc.
  • Results of models and simulations
  • Unstructured data from surveys All data sets created by the project are stored with unique persistent identifiers including a rich set of meta data. It is expected that all data is published under a CC BY 4.0 licence. The results are provided through the existing data portal of ICOS (Carbon Portal) which is up and running and provides services for backup, PID and DOI minting, API endpoints etc, hence fulfilling a great degree of FAIRness.
D'Onofrio, C., Vermeulen, A. ICOS RI, 2024. Data Management Plan, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/sTOXa7OwswGiAY5_GPb2RJ22
  author={D'Onofrio, Claudio and Vermeulen, Alex},
  title={Data Management Plan},
  publisher={Carbon Portal},
T1 - Data Management Plan
ID - 11676/sTOXa7OwswGiAY5_GPb2RJ22
PY - 2024
UR - https://hdl.handle.net/11676/sTOXa7OwswGiAY5_GPb2RJ22
PB - Carbon Portal
AU - D'Onofrio, Claudio
AU - Vermeulen, Alex
ER - 
287 KB (293404 bytes)


2024-09-24 14:52:36
2024-09-24 14:52:36


3 pilot cities
15 countries
15 cities
30 scientific partners
13M€ funding
EU flag PAUL, Pilot Applications in Urban Landscapes - Towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases (ICOS Cities), has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 101037319.