Data submission API specification replaced by early ICOS Cities data portal demonstrator

11676/hI8iN171ahNRufElDMtPE7zq (link)

This ICOS Cities/PAUL deliverable 4.2 on the data submission API is an important step in the realisation of a demonstrator for a federated cities data portal, the final deliverable of this data work package 4 in ICOS Cities. In order to speed up the development of this demonstrator, it was decided to replace the middle ware API, foreseen as this deliverable, by a more early prototype implementation of the demonstrator, based on the existing codebase of the ICOS Carbon Portal. This would enable to demonstrate a completely FAIR and user friendly interface, that also can be used through a machine to machine interface, for example in the development of emission analysis services based on atmospheric inversions. The prototype also builds on and connects to the existing and newly developed processing chains and data standards from ICOS and also connects to the global networks and their data. Significant synergies will be obtained through the co-design and codevelopment of these three instances, leading to a stable and feature rich ecosystem of interoperable data repositories. The prototype demonstrator D4.2 is the third instance of a data repository based on the ICOS Carbon Portal code base, where the first instance is in production and operational since 2017 as the ICOS Carbon Portal and a second instance is operational since 2020 as the data portal of the Swedish observation infrastructure SITES. Near real time raw and level 1 data have been streaming into the ICOS Cities portal since July 2023 on a daily basis. First data streams from low and mid cost CO2 sensors have been ingested and published since December 2023. In the first three months of 2024 measurements have been integrated from total column, meteorological and tall tower measurements from all three cities.

Vermeulen, A., Mirzov, O., Papale, D., Rivier, L. ICOS RI, 2024. Data submission API specification replaced by early ICOS Cities data portal demonstrator, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/hI8iN171ahNRufElDMtPE7zq
  author={Vermeulen, Alex and Mirzov, Oleg and Papale, Dario and Rivier, Leonard},
  title={Data submission API specification replaced by early ICOS Cities data portal demonstrator},
  publisher={Carbon Portal},
T1 - Data submission API specification replaced by early ICOS Cities data portal demonstrator
ID - 11676/hI8iN171ahNRufElDMtPE7zq
PY - 2024
UR - https://hdl.handle.net/11676/hI8iN171ahNRufElDMtPE7zq
PB - Carbon Portal
AU - Vermeulen, Alex
AU - Mirzov, Oleg
AU - Papale, Dario
AU - Rivier, Leonard
ER - 
2 MB (1885448 bytes)


2024-09-24 14:35:36
2024-09-24 14:35:34


3 pilot cities
15 countries
15 cities
30 scientific partners
13M€ funding
EU flag PAUL, Pilot Applications in Urban Landscapes - Towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases (ICOS Cities), has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 101037319.